FAQ for our application:

What does the application look like?

We have worked to make our application as simple as possible. We ask for a written application, documents that show financial position, and documentation to confirm a diagnosis.

How do I apply?

Click the purple box on the side “Apply Here” , fill out your information, and you will be sent a link to access your FileInvite application.

What documents will I need to provide?

  • Most recent household paystubs

  • Household tax returns

  • 3 most recent month's of bank statements for ALL bank accounts held by you and individuals in your household (if applicable)

  • Description for all assets (e.g. investments, automobiles) and sources of income not provided by the documents above. 

  • *Optional: 3 most recent monthly statements showing debt (e.g. credit cards, home/auto loans, medical)

Is my information and documentation secure?

We use FileInvite as a documentation collection system. This system tracks your application and each of your required documents so nothing is missed. FileInvite is HIPAA compliant and provides us a way to collect and store all your documents securely.

What format can I use to submit my documents?

We prefer PDF documents but accept all formats uploaded to your FileInvite portal.

How long will it take to complete the application?

The time can vary but it likely will take you about 15 minutes if you have access to digital copies of documents. The written application portion could be completed in less than 5 minutes.

What documentation is required to confirm diagnosis?

Often times a letter from your doctor or social worker at the hospital is the best option. However, we provide you with a HIPAA form to complete if needed. Providing a written letter that states diagnosis and treatment (if applicable) seems to be easy for applicants and greatly speeds up our review time.

Why is there an application process?

Having an application process ensures that all our award recipients meet our mission to support those with cancer or other life-threatening illness. We value our donors and every dollar raised from their generosity. Our application fulfills our promise that we will use all donations to directly help families who meet our mission.

When will I hear back about my application?

We typically review applications at the beginning of each month. We aim for communicating with you every step of the process but you should hear a conclusive response within the month (2-4 weeks).

What if I have questions?

Email us at apply@laurelslegacy.org or fill out the form below. We are happy to help you or your family member with our application.


After completing this form, you will be sent an email from Laurel’s Legacy through our file collection system (FileInvite) with all the information for completing the application and uploading documents.